Friday, October 10, 2014

AAUGH! Plateaus Suck!

I feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football away...

It's funny, but I just realized that is was about this time last year that I started to research weight loss surgery because I had finally made the decision to do something proactive about my weight. I had gotten to a point that just looking in the mirror every day was so depressing, and God help me if a picture of me showed up somewhere!

Of course I was sure when I started researching and made the decision to have the lap band surgery that by now...a year later, I would be wearing a bikini (okay, well it's October in Utah, so that's sooo not going to happen, but you get the idea). But, no. I'm stuck. I've been stuck for months now. And that's why there hasn't been updates in so long. So now I'm hoping that getting this all out will help me get myself back on the road to finding myself.

Yes, I've hit the dreaded PLATEAU!

I just can't break that 200 pound mark. I have done it a few times, but always end up creeping back over that line. And that's why I feel like Charlie Brown these days. It's so frustrating and disheartening to see the scale move so little or actually go up. My last two doctor's visits have been gains. AAUGH!!

BUT...and that's a big but (yes, I did giggle a little bit because really I'm talking about weight loss and I said "big but"...hahaha) - I'm not giving up! I knew when I started this journey that it was going to be work. Even though people think that I magically just lose the weight. That's not the case at all. I work HARD.  And that's the part that is frustrating.

I've tried all the things (and everyone will tell you something different on how to "jump start your metabolism") that I've heard about on how to get past the plateau. I tried more protein - adding peanut butter (and PB2 to avoid the extra fat and calories) to my protein shakes, drinking two protein drinks and eating one meal, eating normally for a day, fasting for a day...done it all. Nothing seems to work.

I'm still not giving up! 

Now I'm tracking with My Fitness Pal and am participating in a Biggest Loser at my gym. My hope is that with this kind of accountability I can just out and out force my body to get with the program. So far I've lost almost 7 pounds - so maybe I'm doing something right? But the proof is in the pudding...mmmmmm...pudding...oh wait - sorry got off track there for a minute....where was I before pudding was mentioned? Oh, yeah - so another bend in the road of this journey for me, and around the corner I have to believe is the edge of this plateau. And when that happens, I will be right on that straight road to good health and feeling good about myself again.

I'm never giving up. One day I will kick the football...