Sunday, March 9, 2014

Three Months Later...

So, as of today March 9, 2014, I am three months post op. Which is the impetus for this update. I apologize for not updating more, but really...things are going really well and I don't have much to update.

It's funny because after my first doctor's appointment before the surgery, I was sure that this blogging was going to be a great way to vent when things were horrible...when I was starving and not able to eat, or when I was craving pizza and I couldn't eat it because of my lap band - none of that is happening to me. I have adjust really well to my new lifestyle and love it. There isn't anything that I have had an issue eating (including pizza and the yeast rolls as Texas Road House) and I go between 5 and 6 hours between meals and don't get hungry.

I never meant for this to be just me posting about how much weight I am down...honest. But there are no issues for me so far. Even my traveling wasn't a problem. I didn't eat too much, but I didn't eat great either, and no problems with the lap band from the flight (and I didn't gain - or lose - any weight).

One of the best things that has happened was people have started to really notice the difference in my body now. I was at my kids' school and walked out of the office as one of my friends who I've known since our girls were in Kindergarten together (they're in 5th grade now!) was coming down the hall. She stopped and said, "I almost didn't recognize you." - best compliment ever!! The next day there was a morning function at the school and I had several people comment on how I looked. I'll tell you my chin was higher than its been in a long time.

I saw something on Pintrest the other day and now I'm kicking myself for not saving it, but it said something like - "It takes six weeks for you to notice the change in your body, eight weeks for friends and family to notice and twelve weeks for everyone else to notice." It's been twelve weeks!

Okay, I am finally going to get to the meat of this post... I weigh 210 lbs today - down 42 pounds from November when I went to the doctor for the first visit and 33 since the day of surgery! I'm so proud of myself and can honestly say that lap band surgery is the best decision that I have ever made!

Here are the before and afters...I had to stop taking pictures in the same outfit because it doesn't fit anymore - the pants were falling off! Good problem to have...

We are going on vacation at the end of the month to Hawaii, and I want to be in the low 200s (I want
200, but would be okay with like 202ish), so I have lots more work to do over the next few weeks! Especially since I have boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in my house..yeah that's right - and they know my name!! I will confess to eating a whole box of Dulce deLeche and a sleeve of DoSiDos... but this time it happened over several days instead of all in one sitting, so I think that's progress!

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