So, it's been a while and really that's just because there hasn't been much for me to cheer about or to bitch about. Life is pretty normal for me... I haven't had any issues with eating anything. I've had a few things that aren't the best for me, but for the most part I don't eat a lot of crap. My family has had meals actually cooked by me most every night lately, and I've been working my ass off (literally) at the gym 4 -5 days a week.
One good thing is that I seem to have broken through the plateau that I'd hit where I'd go up 2 lbs and
then lose 1 lb...then up 1 and down 2...I gained and lost the same few pounds for about 2 weeks. But this week, I finally broke it and am down 6 lbs from the high end of that. Now, I know that it's not the number on the scale...and my clothes have been fitting me differently (I don't have to wear my Spanx with my smaller size jeans anymore :) ), but let's face it people...we ALWAYS care what that number is. It's the concrete proof and confirmation of what you are doing. I am working on taking other things into consideration. Now that I'm starting to SEE the me that I picture in the mirror, I am starting to focus more on that. (I will post pictures on Feb 9 - which will be 2 months post-surgery) So, for now, give me a break for focusing on the numbers...I'm trying.
Now, I have to talk about a show on TLC that I've found this week and I completely relate to. It's called My 600 Pound Life. Each episode follows an EXTREMELY overweight person through gastric bypass surgery. Now, let me say right here that I am in now way using this as a way to make myself feel better or that I am better than these people. I watched two shows this week and felt such a kinship with the two women's stories.
My starting weight in all of this was about half of what the two shows I watched were...but in my mind I was as big as them. With the high blood pressure and surely on my way to other health issues, I saw no difference. Another difference is that I chose lapband instead of gastric bypass, which is what the doctor performs, but the end result and the diet seems very similar. There is a strict diet right after surgery (which you all heard me complain about) and then one of the most important things is when you do start eating is to get A LOT of protein (I eat between 45 - 55 grams EVERYDAY) and to start some sort of exercise or at least moving.
The first episode I watched was a woman who really just didn't get it. She refused to follow the doctor's orders and acted like everyone was out to get her and trying to hurt her. I felt so sorry for her. The one thing that I've learned through this is that obviously I didn't know how to lose this weight on my own...that's why I went to the professionals. I have followed the rules (almost) to the letter. But when you are still eating like you did before the surgery and refuse to even try to get moving...then it's not going to work. In fact this woman actually gained 5 lbs after surgery!

You are worth it!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend whose husband brought her a 64 oz. soda TO THE HOSPITAL THE DAY OF HER LAP BAND SURGERY. It took a matter of a couple of months before the band broke. It was heartbreaking and scary. You're so fortunate to have a wonderful, supportive family, Lisa. Congrats on taking charge of your own life, and for being willing to accept help and learn.