Friday, January 3, 2014

Is it hard to...

Hello all! Hope everyone had a good New Year! Ours was quiet because my kids were at a sleepover playing wild games and staying up until crazy hours in the morning (yeah, soooo glad it wasn't my house!). So it was just me and the husband and my mom. We watched a movie and then I fell asleep at 11pm - which is actually an hour and a half longer than I have been staying up lately!

But that's what brings me to what I wanted to talk about today. I know that you must be looking at the title of this post and what I just said and thinking..."WHAT? Has lack of food addled your brain woman?" Trust me, it will make sense in the end.

Over the past several weeks I've had questions from friends, and I'm always happy to answer them. Most questions are about how I'm feeling and what I can eat or when I get to eat. With the holidays, however, and the baking that I was doing and the making meals for my family I've gotten the question "Is that hard for you?"

Those things weren't hard for me.

I will tell you what has been hard for me...

Well first, smelling pizza is a KILLER!! I LOVE pizza and I wanted some so badly. But I stuck to my egg and baked potato, because I'm a good girl. Oh, and the no drinking for 2 hours after eating is tough. Next time you are eating a meal, push your drink away from you so you don't drink and eat your meal...I know you are shaking your head right now because NO ONE in their right mind does that!! But I do now...and then can't drink for 2 hours.

What's funny is even my kids know this little fact and life change for me, and we all know that what comes out of kids' mouths is often funny and truthful... So one day last week we were leaving Target and it was almost 3 in the afternoon. I said that I needed to go home and nap and my 10 year old son (those of you who know him will hear this in his voice and really laugh I'm sure) says (loudly), "But mom, you get to drink at 3!" A few people looked at us, and all I could do is laugh.

The absolutely hardest thing has been not being able to be the mom that I was just a month ago. My job is being a's what I do. With the surgery, obviously I was limited for a few days, but it was after that that I would get frustrated and cry a little bit. Logically I understood that I wasn't putting food/fuel into my body, but I was still TRYING to keep up and be the mom that I was (I went on a field trip with 70+ fifth graders a week after my surgery!) and my body rebelled!

I spent most afternoons on the couch curled up with a blanket and falling asleep. I was so tired that often when it was time to take the kids up and tuck them into bed, I couldn't even muster the energy to do that. I hated that part. All I wanted to do was sleep for days.

It wasn't until after Christmas that I started to feel so much better and have more energy. Don't get me wrong...I still napped when I could, but I was awake when it was time to put my kids to bed. Of course I was asleep a half an hour after they were in bed, but I was able to tuck them in and that's all that mattered!

So you see the tie in...I'm always tired!! And even New Year's Eve couldn't keep me awake!

By the way...I ate REAL FOOD today! I had angel hair pasta with homemade marinara and it was the best thing I've had in forever!!

Next update will include another picture update and since my best friend got a lesson in how the lapband works today and was fascinated, I'll share that with all of you too!

Have a great weekend and wish me luck as I try more foods!

1 comment:

  1. It's hard enough to get a cold when you're a mom -- this has put you mostly out of commission for much longer. It's natural to feel guilty, but it's OK. You are doing what you can, they know they love you (which is the most important part), and hubby is helping. First, real food. Next, staying awake!
