Saturday, December 21, 2013

First Post-OP...dun, dun, dun

Hello all!!

I have had the intention to update you all on how things are going, but with Christmas quickly
approaching, and my Mom visiting for the holiday, and the kids having activities..welll, yeah so those are my lists of excuses. Really? Okay, it's because things have been pretty much the same as the last time I updated.

I've been able to add a few things to the diet that have helped a little with how tired I am. I am having protein drinks and yogurt these yay! The hardest part right now is that I actually want to eat food. It looks and smells good to me now. Last week, I would get hungry and didn't actually want food. Now, I WANT FOOD!

I ordered Papa John's pizza for the family this week (I don't care for Papa John's myself, so I figured that would be a good thing and I wouldn't want any)...I actually thought about just chewing some and spitting it out! Still not to a point of pureeing pizza, but give me a few more weeks and I might shove a slice into my Magic Bullet and pull out a straw!

Yesterday I had my first Post-op visit with the nurse. Nothing too exciting to report from that. Just got the bandages off my incisions. She said she was impressed with how I was healing - which I take as a compliment (I'll take any that I can get!).

OH! I did get weighed when I went in too... Knowing this, I wore the same thing I wore the first time I was weighed on November 22 (which included jeans - women know what I'm talking about when I mention that). I wanted it to be pretty accurate. Now, let me say that I have weighed myself pretty much daily -not going to lie - but this was going to be the "OFFICIAL" weight from the time I started this journey. To remind you all, I started this at 252.6 pounds. Less than a month later I am at 231.0 pounds! Now, I always provide the disclaimer that I haven't been eating for a week or so, so I do realize that this is going to slow down.'s still almost as much as I lost in a year of dieting and private training. I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym after the new year though, so that I can keep this up!

While at the doctor's, I asked the nurse about how much I should be able to "eat" in a sitting at this point. She said that I should be able to finish a whole protein drink. So, I thought, well...I need to get myself started on a more scheduled eating rather than just picking around when I get REALLY hungry. With that in mind I loaded up my Magic Bullet with a Pina Colda smoothie and sucked it down...BAD IDEA!

Yesterday was the first bad day that I've had since this whole thing started. I felt light headed and my stomach hurt...I felt horrible. Of course being the crazy, busy mom that I am, there were things that needed to be done and I couldn't NOT do them. I ended up dry heaving more than a few times and still not feeling any better. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but my guess is that I just took too much in and my body rebelled. After passing out last night and sleeping for hours, I woke up this morning feeling better. I'm not keen of trying to eat anything this morning though...

 This was the first time since I've had the surgery that I had a moment of "Maybe this wasn't the best idea". I hated feeling the way that I did, and I am so scared of it happening again. I'll admit that when I crawled into bed, I cried for a few minutes... I'm not good with being out of control, and this was definitely out of my control. I am sure that I will have more moments that are trying along this road, but this first one was tough.

Now, I'm looking forward to the two week mark! That will be Tuesday. I am planning a post for that day and maybe a little before/after picture. I figure as long as I'm doing this, I'm going all out and letting you all see me - as terrifying as that is. And next week I get applesauce, oatmeal, eggs, and mashed potatoes!! WHOOT WHOOT!


  1. I think with everything you are going through you're doing awesome. It can only get better. Keep it up Lisa! :)

  2. Sounds like you are doing great even with a bump in the road. And how exciting that you've already seen such amazing results on the scale!
