Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Invalid Week

Hello, All!!

It's been 5 days since my surgery, and I am FINALLY feeling like myself again. Of course it's 6 in the morning and I've been up since 3, so that might just be the dementia of lack of sleep and food?? Either way, thought it would be a good time for an update.

The deed was done on Monday, and everything seemed to go fine. The surgeon even gave my husband some LOVELY pictures of things like the actual lap band in place, and the hiatal hernia that he found and fixed. BONUS!! It was like an early Christmas present from the surgeon.

My memories of anything after the anesthesiologist strapped my arm down are say the least. I woke up three hours later, had some ice chips, and then was dressed and walked out to the car. Honestly, it seemed pretty quick that it all happened, and I'm pretty sure I was still a little under. I don't remember much of that whole rest of the day. I know that when we got home, I put on a nightgown, eased myself into the most comfortable chair that has ever been created and was in and out of consciousness for the next several hours.

On Tuesday, I said a lot of things like, "Did the kids say they had to come through the back door?" and "Did you tell me you went to Chuck O Rama?" because while I'm pretty sure those aren't things I would EVER dream about...I honestly wasn't sure. The best one, however, was when I called my best friend and asked her if I let her know after the surgery was done. (Yes, I probably could have easily checked my phone...but things weren't quite processing at the moment). She laughed and said that I texted her, but was obviously out of it. Here is the exact text exchange:

BF: Are you alive?
ME: Yep hwading hone now.
BF: Are you doped up?  You're topping would suggest that you are... Typing not topping. Maybe I'm doped up too
ME: Look whose talking...ghost aha
BF: Ghost? Lol Did it go ok?
ME: Just one gand and In a little pain. Yep
BF: Ok. Take a nap.

Tuesday was spent napping and taking VERY small sips of water. I was able to have a popsicle and that worked out fine until I tried a Root beer flavored one. I'll just say that I've not had another of those since that day (though I have had several grape and cherry ones!). I also was able to have a few bites of Jell-o. I know you all are jealous!

Wednesday it was time for me to go back to my day job and take my kids to school. So I showered and blow dried my hair....and I was done. I needed to rest after that. Which pisses me off to no end I have to say. I took the kids to school and came home to my spot on the couch. But of course, me being me...I actually had a hair appointment that day (And there was NO WAY I was missing that appointment because my hairdresser is booked 3 months out!). So after a few hours of sitting and sipping my water, I tried to put my make-up on. Notice the word "tried"...yeah that wasn't going to happen.

Now, before you all scream and yell about letting my body heal and all, the hairdresser wasn't any more strenuous than sitting at home. I sit in a chair and, well that's it. I brought my bottle of water for sipping even. The hardest part was that I actually put a bra on and can I just say that I had the thought that if it was a woman who had done the surgery she would have picked a different place for one of those incisions than right in the middle of my breastbone! It if fricking hard to wear a bra when that's the case. I looked good when I left...and promptly went home to nap until I had to pick up the kids from school!)

I'll skip ahead to Friday (because other than no hairdresser Thursday was the same - water, popsicles, Jell-o, napping). On Friday, I felt halfway decent! Still some pain getting up and sitting down, but other than that...good. I put on make-up, went to the store and even wrapped some gifts and with the help of the kids did some laundry (of course I was wiped out at the end of the day...). And I got to add skim milk to my diet!!

Now let me say here that I have THOUGHT I was hungry in the past...but I after having nothing but
water and colored water with sugar for four days, I was wrong. I have those painful stomach clenching hunger pangs. When I was hungry before, it was self inflicted and I could really have whatever I wanted, but was trying to be good. This is different when you can't eat...literally.

All that being said, that 1/4 cup of skim milk that I had was one of the most satisfying things that has crossed my lips ever!!

Over the week, I have been lucky enough to have a great support system. My husband has been AMAZING. He's taken care of the kids and made sure they got fed and put to bed every night (not to mention getting them to whatever activities they needed to be at on any given night). My mostest favoritest girlies sent Jell-o, popsicles, protein drinks and flowers. And I've been checked on by numerous people. I can't say thank you enough to all of them! I think the hardest thing hasn't been the hunger or the pain, it's been the fact that I've had to let other people to help me...that's always the hardest thing.

I'll wrap things up here...which given that we are 10 days from Christmas is kind of appropriate (and if anyone wants to come wrap up at my house, let me know!).  Tomorrow I get yogurt, so stay tuned for that exciting twist!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard for moms to not be productive and have others help them! But enjoy it while you can :)
