Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

So it's Christmas Eve... traditionally in my house that means baking cookies all day for Santa, 5:00 family Mass, Little Caesar's Pizza, and children cracked out ALL day. My new reality is going to have to be slightly altered this year...

I did bake some cookies already this season (I make two kinds that people ask for). It was fine though because neither of the ones that I made are my particular favorites - I'm not really a "sweets person", but put a bag of chips in front of me and it's all over! - I made the Snickers Surprise and the chocolate chip meringue cookies without incident...didn't even lick my fingers! I did leave out one cookie that I usually make, however, because those I would have been tempted to eat. They are simple sugar cookies with homemade icing.

When none of the sugar cookies appeared, my son (who also is not a "sweets person") asked where the ones he liked were. Cue the dramatic music as the guilt washed over me and I felt selfish for not making them because I knew they were the only ones he ate and I didn't make them because I didn't want to be tempted. UGH!

So, I bought the break apart sugar cookies for the kids to make today and I'll make them frosting and let THEM do the sugar cookies. My guess is they will be gone soon after they are done anyways.

The other change in our tradition is that while we will still get Little Caesar's Pizza, I'll be having applesauce or oatmeal...a sacrifice, I know. (The good news is for Christmas breakfast I get eggs and at Christmas dinner I can have mashed potatoes - don't get all jealous!)

But, I'm finally feeling good. I feel like I'm me again and not tired all the time (not to say that I don't take a nap in the afternoon - but I did that a lot before the surgery so it doesn't count). I am feeling NORMAL and that means a lot to me.

Yesterday was 2 week post-op and I was down another couple pounds. I took a picture on the day of the surgery, and another yesterday wearing the same thing. Now this is definitely me "baring all" to the world in the blog (don't worry - remember I said I was wearing clothes!). So, here is my before and two weeks after pictures...I don't see much difference, but my mom says she can see that my face
is thinner.
Dec. 9, 2013

Dec. 23, 2013

Oh...and one thing that won't change is that the kids will be cracked out ALL day and driving me crazy!!

Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great! I can see it! Merry Christmas to my brave and awesome friend.
