Don't deny that you aren't singing Olivia Newton-John in your head.
Now that the holidays are over, it's time to move on to the next step in this journey of mine.
Yep...I'm heading to the gym next week!
Let me say here that I have never liked exercise of any kind. I played softball when I was growing up and I liked that (I was fairly decent at it too!). But other than that, I have never enjoyed any kind of exercise. Until the last few years...
One thing that I've talked about before was that I spent a year with a personal trainer and that's what I really enjoyed. I was doing Crossfit training 3 days a week and I actually LOVED it! Believe me I was as surprised as anyone.
I'm pretty sure that it was because I had an awesome trainer who I adored and who kicked my ass. There was no pulling any "I think I'm going to puke" to get out of whatever form of torture she was using on me that day. Her response was always, "Well, go puke in the trash can and finish up." It's exactly what I be pushed. I both hated and loved going to my training sessions.
One of the reasons that I got this surgery done was because I actually WANT to be able to exercise better. When you are fat (yeah I said way to deny that's what I am) the exercises you can are do a limited. I was so embarrassed the first time I TRIED to do a pull-up. And running?? Yeah, that's probably one of the most unpleasant sites one could see. Young children were screaming as they ran away. So walking, the weight machines at the gym...that's about it. I want to do more!
I never appreciated the benefit of the workouts that I was doing. Yeah, I was actually toning things when I was doing all those burpees! Want to know how I know this? Because I am right now at about the lowest weight that I was when I was at my lowest. I thought this was awesome and quickly ran to put on my favorite jeans from then...they don't fit! WHAT??
I realized that the reason those jeans don't fit is because - yes, I've lost weight, but I haven't been working out at all and so it's just weight going away and no muscle being created...(That whole thought process MAY have happened after I threw more than one pair of jeans across the room - just saying).
So, on the day the kids go back to school, I'm taking my ass to the gym so I can work off, well my ass.
I'm planning to start slowly on the treadmill for a good half hour, and by the end of the month will start back with a trainer (not my favorite one in the whole world, but...) and I plan to be in those jeans soon!
You can do it!